Supporting individuals and their families to live their best lives at home, in the community and at work.
The team at Range Allied Health believe that all people have the right to access quality disability, health and education services, no matter their location or background. We specialise in supporting people from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background and those with limited access to services due to location or circumstance.
We provide the following services.
Private Services.
Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment for Medicare and privately funded clients.
NDIS Services.
Occupational Therapy and Allied Health Assistant services for clients supported by the NDIS.
Aged Care Services.
Occupational Therapy services for people with an Aged Care Package.
Group and individual programs designed to build capacity, increase community participation and build life skills.
Development and implementation of training analysis and needs based training programs for individuals or organisations.
Therapy room for hire.
Professional suites and therapy room hire for allied health services in Toowoomba.
Congratulations Dilveen
Range Allied Health congratulates our Therapy Assistant Dilveen on receiving a Highly Commended award in the 2022 Multicultural Queensland Awards. Dilveen was presented with the award by The Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Honourable Leanne Linard MP at a ceremony in Brisbane attended by the other award recipients and special guests.
Dilveen is a refugee from Iraq who arrived in Toowoomba 3 years ago and has worked at Range Allied Health as a Therapy Assistant for 18 months. Her kind and caring nature, multilingual skills and passion for supporting people with a disability from all cultures allows our refugee and migrant community to access culturally safe services.
As a Therapy Assistant, Dilveen works one on one with NDIS participants to assist them to achieve their goals. Her work includes building people's capacity in daily living skills such as shopping, meal preparation and budgeting and assisting our clients to build their confidence in accessing the community. She is building her skills in fitting assistive technology including mobility aids, shower equipment and other modified equipment that assists her clients to live a more independent and comfortable life.
She has a special way of making people feel safe and understood, and is always ready to support her clients and other health professionals. Dilveen has also presented at forums for service providers on how to provide culturally safe support, educating over 40 health professionals and local service providers on how to safely and effectively support this vulnerable community.
Thank you Dilveen for all of the work that you do.
Range Allied Health is proud to promote My C5 Life by Lindsay Nott
Lindsay is an inspiration to many community members with a disability. His website gives tips and ideas on how you can ‘Improvise, Adapt and Overcome’.
We have made a donation to the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation and would love for you to join us! You can make a donation here.

Make a referral.
To make a referral, please fill in the online referral form, or call 0491 047 391.