Make a Referral Client details: Client name: First Name Last Name Date of birth Gender Male Female Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Client phone Client email Language spoken Interpreter required? Yes No Referral details: This referral is for An NDIS client (Note: Range Allied Health can accept referrals for self managed or plan managed clients only) An Aged Care client with a Home Care package A private client (paying privately) A refugee client on a Humanitarian Visa with a completed GP Management Plan and referral Other If 'Other' please state Client Reference Number if applicable (eg. NDIS #) Referrer details: Referrer name Referrer organisation (if applicable) Referrer phone Referrer email Service requested OT Functional Assessment Assistive Technology Trial Home Assessment Cognitive Screen Functional Retraining and/or Daily Living Skills Program Daily Living Skills Program Implemented by a Level 2 Therapy Assistant Vocational (workplace) or Learning Environment Assessment Assistance to set up/training in Assistive Technology Support Worker Training Other If 'Other' please state Additional information: Please indicate how your NDIS plan is managed (for clients funded by the NDIS only) Self managed Plan managed NDIS managed If 'Plan managed' please state plan manager name Plan manager phone Plan manager email Thank you for submitting a referral to Range Allied Health. Referrals are considered each week by our intake team. Please note: - Range Allied Health provides Occupational Therapy and Therapy Assistant services only. We do not provide Speech Pathology or other allied health services. - Range Allied Health currently services clients in the Toowoomba and South East Queensland areas. We consider referrals for clients outside of this area on a case by case basis.- Range Allied Health accepts referrals for NDIS, Aged Care and privately paying clients. Bulk billing can only be provided at no out of pocket cost to clients with a Humanitarian Visa who have been referred by their General Practitioner (GP) under a GP Management Plan. Please see our website for more information Range Allied Health accepts referrals for self managed and plan managed NDIS clients only.Kind regardsRange Allied Health For more information.Please contact us for more information on how to book a Telehealth consultation. Contact Us